1. Legal notices

The website https://www.iml.com.vn/ is edited by GROUPE LACROIX, SAS with a capital of 2 567 070.00 €, company listed within SIRENE under the registration number 534 510 359 to the RCS of Lons-Le-Saunier and whose head office is situated at 106 rue du Vieux Bourg, 39220 BOIS D’AMONT France.

Intercommunity European VAT number: FR 87 646650234

Publication director: Mrs Marie-Laure Maitenaz for Lacroix Emballages

The website has been created by Publigo company, 35 rue de Bordes 71500 LOUHANS, France.

The website is hosted by OVH, 2 rue kellermann BP 80157 59053 ROUBAIX Cedex 1, France.

This present website is exempted from declaration to the French authority of personnal data protection : national information science and liberties commission (“Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté” CNIL, France) according to the deliberation n°2006-138 on May 9th 2006 deciding the exemption from reporting of processing operations carried out for the purposes of information or external communication.

  1. Terms of service


We then designate:

‘website’ or ‘service’ : the website https://www.iml.com.vn/en/ and all of it webpages.
‘Editor’ : GROUPE LACROIX, responsible for the edition and content of this website.
‘User’ : the internet user visiting and uses our website services.

Purpose of the website and designation of the parties

The purpose of the present website is determined as “showcase website”.

The website is free and free to access for all users. The navigation on the website implies the agreement, by the user, of the entire general conditions, who recognizes by the same fact to have taken full knowledge of it. This acceptance will constitute, for the user, to tick the box corresponding to the acceptance sentence of this general conditions, having for example the mention “I acknowledge having read and accepted all the general conditions of the website”. Ticking this box will be deemed to have the same value as a handwritten signature on the part of the Internet user.

The user recognizes the proof value of the automatic registration systems of the publisher of this site and, except for providing him with proof to the contrary, he renounces to challenge them in the event of a dispute. The acceptance of this general conditions supposes from the internet user to have the necessary legal capacity for this.

Exemption from the responsibility of the publisher in the context of the execution of this contract

In case of impossibility to access to the website, due to technical or other problems, the user cannot claim damage and any compensation.

Hypertext links on this website can send to other websites and the responsibility of this website editor cannot be engaged of the content of these websites violates the current legislation. Also, the responsibility of this website editor could not be engaged if the visit from an internet user of these website cause him harm.

intellectual property rights relating to the elements published on this website

All the elements published on this website are the property of the editor or a third-party representative, or are used by the editor on the website with the authorization of their owner. All copies of the logos, text content, pictography or videos, without the list being exhaustive, is rigorously forbidden and could be treated as counterfeit. All member who would be guilty of this counterfeit is susceptible to get their account deleted without notice neither compensation and without this deletion being able to constitute damage to him, without this deletion being able to constitute damage to him, without reserve of possible subsequent legal proceedings against him, at the initiative of the publisher of this website or his representative. The present website uses elements (pictures, photographs, content) which are credited to physical or moral person mentioned in the chapter “Credits”.


  • Jean-Baptiste Merillot
  • Studio Lautrec
  • Daniel Gillet

Limitation of the responsibilities

The editor of this website is only bound by an obligation of means; his responsibility could not be engaged for a damage resulting the use of internet network such as loss of data, intrusion, virus, break of service or others. The user expressively admits using this website at his own risk and under his own responsibility.

The website offers to the user indicative informations, with imperfections, mistakes, omissions, inaccuracies and other ambivalences that could appear. In any case, the editor could not be responsible:

  • Of any direct or indirect damages, especially relating to the loss of profits, a shortfall, customer loss, data that could result of this website usage, or on the contrary of the impossibility of its use;
  • malfunction, unavailability of access, improper use, improper configuration of the user’s computer, or the use of a browser little used by the user;
  • the content of advertisements and other external links or sources accessible by the user from the website.

Access to the website

The responsibility of the website editor cannot be engaged due to a technical unavailability of the connection, whether this is due in particular to a case of force majeure, to maintenance, to an update, to a modification of the website, an intervention by the host, an internal or external strike, a network failure, a power cut, or even a misconfiguration or use of the user’s computer.

Miscellaneous clauses

The present general conditions are subject to the application of the French law. They could be modified at any time by the editor or it’s representative. The general conditions applicable to the user are those in force on the day of its acceptation. The editor commits to keep all the previous general conditions and to send it to all user request that could ask for it.

Unless public policy provisions, all disputes that may arise in the context of the execution of these general conditions may, before any legal action, be submitted to this website editor for the purpose of a friendly settlement. It is expressly reminded that requests for amicable settlement do not suspend the time limits for bringing legal actions. Unless otherwise provided for, in the public interest, any legal action relating to the execution of this contract must be submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal seized.

If one of the clauses of these general conditions were to be declared null by a court decision, this nullity cannot entail the nullity of all the other clauses, which would continue to have their effect.

Cookies usage

A “cookies” allow identification of user, customization of its website consultation and speed up display of the website thanks to a record data file on it’s website. The website is likely to use “Cookies” mainly to 1) obtain navigation statistics in order to improve the user experience, and 2) to allow the account access of the member and content that are not accessible offline.

The user recognizes being informed of this practice and authorize the editor of this website to use them. The editor undertakes to never communicate the content of these “Cookies” to third-parties, except in case of legal requisition. The user can refuse the “Cookies” record or configure his web browser to be noticed prior to the acceptation of the “Cookies”. To do so, the user proceed the setting of his web browser:

To know more : Cookies management of our website

Framework conditions

If a provision of general conditions is deemed illegal, null or for any other inapplicable reason, so this disposition will deem divisible of the conditions and will not affect the validity and the applicability the remaining provisions. These present conditions describe the whole agreement between the user and the website. They replace all previous agreement or written or oral contemporaries. The general conditions are not transferable or sub licensable by the user himself. A printable version of the conditions and of all notices given by electronic way could be asked in legal procedures or administrative related with the general conditions. The parties agree that all relative correspondence to this use conditions, should be written in French language.


All notifications or notice related to the present general conditions, the legal mentions or the personnal data charter should be written and hand delivered, registered or certified mail, by Post or any other mail service recognized on a national level which allows to track regularly his packages (price), at the mailing address or at electronic address indicated in the legal notice above, by clarifying you family name, your name(s), contact information and subject of the opinion.


Any complaints related to the use of the internet website, it’s service, or any other related service, website pages on social media or general conditions , legal notice or personnal data chart should be filed within 365 days following the origin of the problem source of complaint, and independently of any contrary law or rule of law. In the even of such a claim has not been filed within 365 days, such a claim will never be applicable in court.


It may be possible that, throughout the website and the services offered, and to a limited extent, inaccuracies or errors, or information which is in disagreement with the general conditions, legal notices or the charter personal data. It is possible that unauthorized modifications could be done by third parties on this website or on additional service (social media …). We do everything to correct these types of deviations. In the event that such a situation eludes us, please contact us at the mailing address or electronic address indicated in Legal Notices above with, if possible, a description of the mistake/inaccuracy and the link of the website URL, with sufficient informations to contact you. For copyright, please refer to the intellectual property section.

© GROUPE LACROIX SAS – All rights reserved